The software for project-oriented organizations integrating CRM, project management, and portfolio analysis.

Don't miss out on ideas and opportunities

As the company grows, new project opportunities followed by customer requests and team necessities arise. Keeping track of progress has thus become more challenging than ever. Let wethod take care of your pipeline of opportunities and pre-sale projects, so you can dedicate more time to other urgent matters.

Discover CRM →

Turn them into amazing projects and get the team on board

You've managed to convince the team to launch your genius idea, that's great, but don't fall short before you have even started.Use our tools to forecast activities, create a sustainable budget, involve the right people, track progress and production stats.

Take off with project management

Joint effort makes collaboration

Working as a team doesn't mean you need to spend half your time chasing others to their jobs so you can piece together information. Keep track of the bigger picture and use the project canvas to align the whole team using Kanban, Gantt, shared objectives, relevant milestones, and a clear roadmap.

Collaborate easily →

Stay on top of things with intuitive, real-time insights

Your projects are well underway, or so you think: it’s not a good time to play it by ear. That's why there's an entire section dedicated to insights and intelligent, real-time reports. They will keep your progress under control and verify the feasibility and productivity of your project portfolio. Intuitive and well written, we guarantee it will be love at first sight.

Fall in love with the insights

Support professional growth and boost your team!

We really believe that enhancing the talent of your team is key to the overall success of the organization. That’s why we have integrated a whole section dedicated to individual achievements and aspirations. The interesting part is that we align them with project goals, so as to give everyone the opportunity to express their talent while growing professionally and feeling self-accomplished.

Empower the team →

Keep track of your financials 

So far, so good. But are your profits growing? Are your external costs skyrocketing? And what about internal costs? What's your projected revenue compared to your annual budget?

What's your projected revenue compared to your annual budget? And what costs can be capitalized?
Well, wethod knows it all.

Take a dip into financials →

Find the talent missing from your team

The cherry on top is a complete overview of team distribution, including onboarding tools to follow up on their progress and evaluation. Company demographics, background, skills, languages, and many other insights to help you pinpoint your missing champion every time you need one.

Boost your business with HRM →
Request a free demo today!
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And if you're still not convinced...